one is the loneliest number

Slaying the Dreamer ... ayeyes.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
WC: 370

The mahogany Koios seemed bitter behind his smiles, or simply saddened by the situation he found himself in. Slay regarded him calmly with his pale gaze, trying to piece together the situation. Were the man's sisters really going to leave him behind? One of them had taken a mate recently; perhaps that was part of it.
"Being the sane one doesn't sound like any fun at all. You should be the wildest one of all; make them jealous!" He raised an eyebrow, winking at his new friend. He did his best to brighten the somber mood, since everyone was happier when they were happy... right?

"It's a date," he affirmed with a smirk. Truth be told, he had been wrestling with the idea of trying out the werewolf thing since he had arrived on this coastline; what he really needed was someone to force him to try it, a "kick in the pants", so to speak. He never could seem to take any steps for himself... Even his mateship had almost not happened, he was so obstinate in his ways. If Sankor was serious, well, so was Slay. Maybe they really could try it out together sometime, a remedial shifting lesson for two full-grown adults.
"You tell me when you get it all sorted out, kay?"

Again, Sankor showed a glimpse of his inner self, and again, he seemed rather sad about it. The poor fellow had started off quite jovial; what went wrong? Slay scratched an itch behind his ear, absent-mindedly wiping mud onto his face. "You sure 'bout that, mate? I mean, girls aren't so direct about stuff... You usually can't tell unless they work up the courage to tell you themselves..." At least, that was how it went in his experience. Light-hearted flirting wasn't supposed to hurt anyone, but it often led to shallow relationships, built on nothing more than pretty words. Only two of his packmates had seen through his own cheerful facade, and that was because he'd spent so much time with them.
"And besides, I didn't ask you what they thought. Who do you have the hots for? Kol? Deuce? Tokyo?" He started listing names, peering mischievously closer to try and catch Sankor off-guard.

I've got soul but I'm not a soldier


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