betting on the dice i'm tossing
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Teal eyes watched DaVinci and Jefferson with mild interest. It was interesting to her how pack leaders managed things; though DaVi and Jeff both seemed to have that "sarcastic" relationship. A small voice quipped to her right; must be Addie. Asariel smiled warmly at the pup, she'd always had a soft spot for youngsters. "Hello, Addison." That was all she'd managed to say before Jefferson started talking. Well, true enough, she didn't really know him either though the situation was a bit different seeing as she at least knew who she was. Asariel made a mental note to introduce herself later, after the pack hunt.

She smiled in satisfaction as DaVinci sent her to one of the flanks - something she was a bit skilled in. She smiled warmly at Vukasin as he approached her, requesting he take the left. "Of course, Vukasin. I'm better at right, anyway." Another mental note: formally introduce yourself to him, too. She flicked her ears back to listen to DaVi momentarily, then she frowned. The bulls would be harder to take down than a cow or a youngster, unless he was an elder. However she kept quiet, there was no need to argue with her pack's subleader. She stood and shook her cream and tan hued pelt off, trailing after the hunting posse as it started towards the hunting grounds. Asariel decided to stay close to her flank buddy - no sense in getting separated from him, either. Not that she was complaining in the least...


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