one is the loneliest number
It was the start of a downward spiral, the Koios male just hadn't realized it. While everyone else was faced with real life struggles his petty little annoyances were dragging him down. Perhaps it was the time he spend listening to the pains of others and trying to coax them back to the lighter side of life while he hadn't even found a grand reason to be happy. It had just been his nature to be lighthearted and carefree, now it seemed that was all being tested.

The words that the other male uttered made his chuckle and shake his head. "I'm not for certain if people would trust me in my profession if I was wild and reckless you know.." He would be one very bored therapist if everyone avoided speaking to him, but then again everyone probably would end up snapping and their pack would end up burning up in flames of chaos if the members didn't get their worries off their chest. He could almost guarantee that someone else would fill his position quickly though if he wasn't up to par.

When the conversation was turned back to their issues with shifting and what to do about that Sankor nodded in agreement with Slay, one day, some day, (probably nowhere in the near future). He didn't mind being a coward, as long as it kept him alive but he was sure one day it would get under his skin so much that he would make the change, ready or not. He smirked at the other male as he took to itching at a scratch along his throat ruff. "Yeah, whenever that may be." he said as he grinned sloppily.

He finished up the itch as Slay went on asking about the women in his life. Sankor raised a brow as he asked. "What, you that eager to get away from your vows?" teasingly. He didn't know why Slay was so interested in his life but he could assume that he probably missed the life he use to life. He glance off away from the male as he pressed him on about the girls in the pack, at the onslaughter of names he flicked his ears back a second before turning back. "What? No. I don't even know any of them aside from seeing them from time to time." His own interests laid in a woman who was too far out of his league and he didn't want to embarrass himself in admitted just who, not yet atleast.

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