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While her brother was like a firecracker she was just the teetering balance between right and wrong. There was nothing right in what they'd witnessed in their past but now here in this day having met the beast face to face she wasn't so sure just what to feel anymore. For so long they'd planned to get their revenge on the bastard that had taken the life of their mother and scarred them so.. and yet here she was with a curious effect of wanting to know how the brute worked and if he really was the monster he once had been.

She turned her nose up at her sibling as she rearranged herself and made everything proper and in it's place. Once she'd had everything in place she smiled slightly as she turned towards Heath as he was asking just what she'd been up to. Though she doubted that that was the real reason for why he'd been pestering her she left it at that. Tossing her layers of hair and ornaments over her shoulder she shrugged slightly and admitted. "I have been listening to the gossip." She ran one finger through the sands as she hummed slightly. "And I found a male, yes. One that even you could obsess over." She doubted that he'd get her meaning and he'd probably go into another rant and rave but in the end she'd lay it on him, just let the tension build for now.

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