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She always cared so much about her appearance. Heath watched as she put each strand of fur in it's proper place and arranged the different things that she thought prettied her mane. Heath wasn't the type for decorations, his own fur standing on end most of the time. He kept it short when they were together and not running around like rogues, when she was around to cut it for him. But now it had grown, still standing but curving when the weight of it became to much. He didn't really care.

He waited, getting frustrated as she played her tricks, for her to answer his question. His sister's actions did not portray obvious hidden secrets, but he still grew suspicious. She would always hide something, from him especially. Memories flouted back into his head, of home and how it was to be together with the pack of their upbringing. She had been ruthless to her younger sibling, but he missed the familiarity of it.

Finally she spoke, making him frown. Nothing she seemed to say was of any worth. Gossip was nothing but woman's talk, and she knew very well that he didn't take for males. He hated when she teased him, because of his thin form and lack of masculine shape. Eyes pierced hers, hating that she might be resorting back to that form of harassment, but even as his attitude soured he tried to gather what patience he had left.

You smell of pack. He stated the obvious, letting the knowledge calm his growing impatience and wanting to get more and more out of her. It was a never ending battle with her. There is only one male I care about. Heath spoke with a solid declaration, he was suddenly finished with the games that she wanted to play.

table by erin


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