one is the loneliest number

Slaying the Dreamer ... ayeyes.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
WC: 351

Slay didn't actually know what co-rank Sankor held, so the comment went over his head. "Everybody loves a party animal, right? Maybe you just need to bust out of your routine, try something new. Take a vacation down by the beach or something! There's plenty of neutral territory down there, if you haven't checked it out." His ears tucked back as he remembered how often he used to wander, even months after being accepted into Dahlia. It took the loner a long time to adjust to social life and responsibilities, despite his friendly attitude. He assumed Sankor was having similar issues, and perhaps time away from his family would help him sort his priorities. He wouldn't know until he tried.

The Hunter yawned idly, feeling drowsy again. All this talk of shifting was wearying... He was glad when the conversation picked up again on a more familiar topic, girls. "What vows?" he replied cheekily, mistaking his new friend's discomfort for simple modesty. "So it's somebody you know? Ooh, is it someone forbidden...?" Slay drawled, raising his eyebrows suggestively. It did not mean that much to him, the inner workings of Sankor Koios's love life, but it was an exciting topic - he had grown into a bit of a gossip, especially now that he didn't get out much. He did not miss the loneliness of single life, but the freedom to flirt with everyone he came across, well, that was a habit harder to break.

"It isn't... Mew, is it? Or Firefly?" He added, trying to think of the mated females of their pack. God forbid it was Firefly; that family had enough issues going on already. "I'm sorry to disappoint, but you can't have my little Cercelee. Kol already tried that." He flopped down onto his belly, crossing his white paws before him. This was kinda fun. He didn't have a lot of guy friends to "shoot the bull" with... In fact, he had never had many male friends at all. He was the sort of guy that got along better with girls; he always had been a mama's boy.

I've got soul but I'm not a soldier


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