Myself, My Keeper
before you tell yourself

it's just a different scene

If someone had told her in the past that she would find that special somebody, that she'd want to settle down...she wouldn't have believed them. Dierdre had been a bit of a rebel when she had been younger, and had relied on others to get what she needed. Her mother had been absent for pieces of her childhood, with her suicide attempts and love had affected her. But now that Pilot was in her life, Dierdre had changed a lot. For the better.

"No, no, it's fine! I don't really eat hare. If you ever want to learn how to fish, though, I'm your girl! Ice fishing is the best." She wasn't sure what Selene's circumstances were, why she was here. "I saw you at the pack meeting, and I was gonna try and talk to you there...but I ended up getting distracted" She explained, her tail waving back and forth in a friendly manner. "I'm Dierdre--Phoenix is my adopted father"


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