waiting on the world to change

Oh man, I hope these two hit it off. Big Grin. They could share trade secrets!!! >>;; And build stuff together.

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While stealth and fleet-footedness were two of her greatest qualities in battle and on the hunt, it was safe to assume that the young hybrid could care less about being noticed just then. Her wheel barrow was filled with a delightful assortment of new tools, which clanked and clanged profusely as the wheel barrow jostled over each and every imperfection of the earth's surface. Amongst the bundle was a set of wrenches, an axe in much better condition than her previous one, and a vice. She had meant to take these things directly to her greenhouse, but the fresh scent of a stranger near Inferni's territory had beckoned her closer to the shore.
Before very long she found him, and at once she was struck by their similarities. Of course, she didn't even know they shared a similar trade. For now, outside appearances were everything. He seemed to be about her age, and by the looks of it, he had muddled blood--much like her own (or Gabriel's). In fact, he looked an awful lot like Gabriel, and her first assumption was that they were related. According to Empusa, many of the folks around these parts were, so it was not entirely illogical.
Straightening somewhat, she pressed her ears forward and directly approached the male. It didn't appear that anybody else had arrived yet--while she hadn't gotten too involved in Inferni's affairs, she could easily assume he was looking for either acceptance, or a fight. Either way, she could deal with it or pass it on to Gabriel. Naturally, he seemed oriented toward the former goal--or else he would not have stopped so carefully on the fringes of Inferni's borders. "Yes?" she inquired. Her tone was not impatient or annoyed, although it was suggestive: state your business, stranger.

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