enemy minds
She could not believe what the woman was saying. She was not going to take her to DaVinci, and she wished that she had sat on little Zana. The small girl huffed and stamped her little optime paw as she screeched. "Yous so fat you couldn't catch me to sit on me now!" She was tiny and swift, and very annoying. She could put the larger Phoenix Valley woman through a whole day of hell if she wanted to.. plus, she had the peashooter that Lysander had given her, which always made for grand amusement when she was feeling really spiteful. Too bady she really hadn't tried it out on other canines yet, but this mean fat old lady might just be a grand figure to experiment on.

She glared at the woman as she stated that she would have made Zana walk if she ever would decide to take her to see DaVinci. She shook her little fist at the bitch and spat. "He would not like it if you were mean to me!" She normally wasn't this annoying or bratty, but some folks change, and wolves hadn't exactly given her any reason to be nice to them for the most part. She reached her arms up over her head and yelled again. "Take me to Dabi!" Waving her little peashooter at the woman she growled. "I will make you pay if you do not take me to him!" She really was a horrible little thing.

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