mad world [j]
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Skylar watched the female and listened to her words. When she mentioned twins a light smirk came to Sky's maw. Imagining her and her father as twins was humorous to say the least. When the dark women finally got the answer to why she was so familiar. "Yes, he is my papa." Skylar said with a light smile and small nod. Why was it such a shock to the women? Everyone knew that DaVinci had two kids, her and her brother. Suddenly she wondered if her father had forgotten her, or didn't care to have her back. Her stomach knotted and her beautiful face grimced.

Smoothing her hands down the front of her shirt Skylar nodded to the womens question. "Yes, I've come to see my papa." Her tall peirced ears lay flat on her head now as she watched the women. Getting to her feet she picked up her bag and slung it on her shoulder. "could jefferson for me?" Skylar asked with her soft voice and strong eyes gazing. So many things had changed about her since she had left, she only wondered if the people she had once known had changed as well.


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