mad world [j]
She couldn't help but chuckle as the girl advised her about Jefferson, she shook her head sadly as she explained. "No, Jefferson un I go far back, trust what I says." The heavy accent making her words twist and turn as she thought about what sort of relationship the two had, slightly jealous that the stormy girl had known her father longer than she had, and possibly was on better terms as well. She tried to make the smile hold but it didn't seem to want to as she was given a name to match with DaVinci's daughter. "Nice meeting yous." she said, about to say more but the sound of another's voice cut through her, making her flinch slightly.

At first she thought that Jefferson had come instead of DaVinci but when she realized that it was infact DaVinci when he corrected himself she flicked her ears back. She knew that her place in the pack was the lowest and though it didn't bother her she knew that others in the pack would see that differently. She cast her eyes back to Skylar for a second as she said hastily. "I'll goes now.." She caught the look that DaVinci granted her and she nodded silently before padding away, not wanting to give the leader anymore chances to remind her of her status in the pack.

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