Easily forgotten

Svara didn't really like what the Adonis said to her, because in the end it was all bullshit. One time not long ago this shell of a women could have just said goodbye to her, instead she had ripped what little trust from her and crushed it with cold words and words of loyalty to a pack that was so unloyal it was sickening. Going about stripping the thorns from the branches again she kept listening to the women while keeping her hands safe from more wounds. This ebony women thought she had the answers to everything, she thought that she was the hight of intellagance, maybe she was, but in the end she lived in a pack of liers and cold hearted bastards and Svara lived with her family, her mate, adoptive mother, and now a blind girl who the red female could empathize with.

Her words only made the healer smirk. "What ever keeps you sane." She said with out looking up. Why was it that she thought she had obtained so much? Why did she think that you had to be so cold and calculated to be a worthy being? That was something about the ebony female that had always confused Svara and probably would forever. Her question did make the red she wolf look up. The tempting act to bare her teeth almost came up, but instead she just narrowed her yellow eyes. "Don't speak of my mate like you know him." She said simply a hidden note in her husky voice.

She had never left the pack, Haku Soul had made her leave. Even so Svara wasn't about to discuss it with the cold hearted bitch before her. The ebony female had no right to see the pain it had caused her, none of them did. Her mind drifted from that thought and to the womens question. "Yes it is quiet unless I don't make it that way. Though you'd think someone of your calabar of thinking would figure that out on your own." Svara's voice was flat and unamused as she got up and went to the deer pelt that had been tanning only a few feet away.

The skin was soft and almost ready to be finished, but not quit. Even with her back to the women Svara felt the air of arrogance that surrounded her. If anything her own sense of superiority pissed the red she wolf off. Not once had this women been falutered by her aditudes, and yet she had torn right through her with her cold words and indifferance after Svara had thought she had been more then that. Shaking her head her hand came up to her yellow eyes and she was surprised to find it wet. in the end Cwmfen's betrayl had hurt the worst, but what could you expect out of a mindless dog who only knew how to take orders.

Pulling herself back together took little effort since she hadn't been that much affected. "Why do you care about what my life is like anyways? I sure as hell could care less about your own." She said it with a slight smirk. Svara turned and focused on the women waiting for her to give some high and elequant words to blow up the ass.


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