aces high.
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The child dropped down from the high branches not long afterward, finally giving the yearling an opportunity to see who his questioner was. Needless to say, he recognized her instantly and resisted every urge to groan and roll his eyes. What had she said her name was, anyway? Thankfully his determination was thick enough that he didn't second-think his hopefulness for entrance despite the child. She was quite the monkey, it seemed, having swung around and flinging pebbles or whatnot, but regardless she seemed to have a level of trust with him (even if their first meeting hadn't been so smooth).

Gaël wasn't quite met with the warmest of welcomes and she seemed to react to seeing him in the way he did she, which hardly surprised the bright-eyed boy. "I want to stay here," he said quietly, sizing himself up and straightening his shoulders as if she was the one he was expected to impress. "I mean... I was goin' to ask if I could." His eyes averted. He certainly sounded silly with that accent, didn't he? Doubled with the nervousness in his stomach, the boy didn't exactly make the greatest of stances and first impressions, or so he assumed, but he forced a strong face and cleared his throat. "I... t'ought I should just stay here and see if someone go by," he admitted, clearly new to the process.


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