waiting on the world to change

those who watch their backs get attacked from the front

okay (:

Fitz could be cocky, arrogant, and self-centered. However, if there was one thing that could be said about the young adult, it was that he knew his place. Fitz was not a stupid male and he knew when he was below another. Granted, he didn't much like that feeling, he still knew when the time called for respect. He figured he'd done a fair job of showing respect to the lady and she seemed to think so too, for he caught the smile that she flashed briefly.

With her confirmation and promise to call the leader named Gabriel, Fitz could only nod. Good. He was in the right place, she found him acceptable enough to call the leader, all was well. Though he did wonder if perhaps this pack was too trusting. She knew absolutely nothing about him. For all she knew, he could be planning to wreak havoc upon these lands. Of course, such intentions were not in the male's mind and so when she finally did ask for more about him, he was happy to provide honest answers.

"I am a skilled with labor. I consider myself to be good with my hands and I like to think that I could build almost anything if given time. I can fix things easily. I'm also educated well enough. At least, to the point where I can read and write," he stopped now, hesitating on whether or not to go on, wracking his brains to try and find another positive things about himself, but decided he'd gone far enough. "And my name is Fitz," he added as an afterthought.

At her question, he stopped to think, blue eyes concentrating on the ground as his mind went to work. And finally, he settled on what he figured to be as close to the truth as it could get. "I'm no wolf," he said, holding out his arms in a gesture for her to see his body. "I've never felt fully comfortable around them, I feel as though too many differences exist. I suppose that when I heard of a group of other non-wolves, I was intrigued. I'm social by nature and I suppose there are few other options than to try it out here," he shrugged, wondering why he was even sharing such thoughts with a complete stranger.


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