MY next char, and I want your opinion
Interesting read! I think your story for him is beautiful, although I have to point out like Libri that it is almost impossible to have him simply know how to talk to other animals. Like I learnt English in school, the characters in 'Souls can learn how to speak to other animal kinds, although it is very hard without a tutor, and definitely not something one is born with. It also takes a LOT of practice. Among the animals we roleplay, there are two languages (at least as I can recall). There is low speech and high speech. Our wolves, as well as any other of the canis family which got altered by the virus, speak high speech to each other. Unaffected animals speak low speech. Birds, cows, but mammals. Insects don't speak as far as I know. And certainly not plants - so he cannot have that relationship to the rose, as in 'Souls, plants do not have consciousness. It is impossible for the rose to be captivated by your character, although of course your character can be captivated by the rose! The plant itself just cannot feel stuff.

Edit: I tried to find something in the RP guide on this language stuff, but I found nothing. I'm dead certain there used to be some info on such things somewhere though! Anyone else remember?

Regarding the looks of your character - keep in mind one thing. The wolves/animals we roleplay in 'Souls cannot have naturally funky furs. Quoting the RP guide:

"'Souls is fairly lenient when it comes to colors, but completely unrealistic colors are not allowed. For example, a dark red or rust-colored wolf would be okay, but a stop sign red wolf would not be allowed. Keep in mind though that the rule only applies for a wolf's natural color. Your character is free to dye his or her coat whatever crazy color you want, so as long as they aren't naturally that color"
In other words - if you want his mane and the like to be bright yellow, he would also have to know how to dye furs, unless of course, this is something you add after he comes to 'Souls, and he finds someone to either teach him to dye furs, or to dye his for him. You would also somehow need to account for the tattoos, but I'm guessing they weren't there when he was born, but was added on his journeys before he comes to 'Souls?

Lastly something on the bear fight! Like Libri says - the bear is large and strong. A grown bear will completely destroy a young pup if he attacks it - the pup is about the same size as one bear leg at the age you give your pup. Also it is unrealistic that the bear would smash a bottle in his face, unless they are in a scenery where bottles are present and it happens as an accident. As far as I know the bears remained untouched by the 'Souls virus, and thus do not shift or think as the werewolves. In other words - it will attach as a predator. Lastly, gun = won't work, probably. Guns that has been lying around since the humans died are likely to be rusted to pieces by now, and malfunctioning. The plan with the bear still falters the second the bear attacks, because a grown bear would almost instantly kill a 5 month old wolf pup - no question about it. They are incredibly strong.

If you want to maul your character's face, an elk's hoof will probably do. Have some large deer or something kick him in the face - hooves can leave nasty scars! It is far more realistic and easier to plot out than a fight with grown bear vs. soon-to-be-dead wolf pup.

Your imagery for the pup is adorable though! And I like the name of it, and the husky mix thing. Huskies are cute. Oh and your 'Souls starting point sounds funky, and it would be interesting to see how he reacts to having a memory loss! Memory loss is always entertaining when it isn't in the real world... Tongue

Hope any of this is helpful Smile

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