Under Your [P]ower
Vukasin nodded and pulled his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around his legs and resting his muzzle atop the left one, which was slightly hugher than the right. He knew what the guy meant. Vuk had plenty of ghosts. He worried constantly about his living brother, but also he would be plagued with regret about his dead brother, Sora, and the fact that he'd been unable to save him. He often wondered how things would have turned out if Sora had survived, if he and Kaen hadn't split, or if they had never left their parents at all. He thought often about the female he'd met a few months back, and hwo he had truely thought he was in love with her, and how one morning, he'd woken up, and she was just -gone-.

"Some things you can't run away from. You have to face them head on. The problem is, you're afraid that if you do face it, then the outcome will be the worst of the ones you imagine. Or even worse than that. You have to face them though, or they consume you. Like a fire, they eat up your insides until there's nothing left, you're just a shell, and noone means anything to you, and you don't mean anything to anyone else..." Vuk's voice trailed off. If he'd been younger, he'd've started crying. By that point in his life though, despite his casual, happy-go-lucky behavior, little could phase him too deeply. He guarded his heart too closely.

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