There will be flower power
Oceane didn't know what to do, she couldn't gather all the seeds and put then where they belonged, there were just too many and Noir had spread them far and wide in her little happy dance across the overturned dirt. Her seafoam hued orbs gazed sadly down at the small pile of seeds that she had rounded up before looking back up at her sister who was trotting over to investigate just what was wrong. Oceane's lip gave a slight quiver as she sighed and covered the seeds over with dirt and shook her head. "You're doing it wrong.. They're.. suppose to be in neat little rows.." She didn't know why she was getting so upset over it, it was just a bunch of seeds and if somehow they actually grew they'd be just a bunch of plants..

She knew that wasn't true, she knew they would supply the tribe and the horses with food. She dug her little paws into the dirt and picked up a piece of corn and placed it in the tiny hole before covering the soil over it and gently patting it down. She quietly started another little hole and put another seed in it, all organized and sitting in a perfect little row. She looked up to Noir, hoping that her sister would begin to understand.

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