out to sea
DaVinci couldn't help but snort at the words that the younger male granted him. He didn't know anyone that trouble just found. Normally if you noticed trouble on the horizon one would turn and run the other way or atleast skirt around it. He knew trouble quite well, he was quite good at getting himself in it and he doubted the young kid who was still more a child than an adult was much the same. "Just comes by my ass.." He wasn't going to argue with the boy but he made certain to get his own thoughts in on the matter.

They headed through the meadow back towards the beach, the whispers of the tune that Pendzez was singing catching his ears now and then as he flicked them back and forth, trying to keep alert to what was going around. He probably should have told the boy to be quiet with the fact that they were in unknown territory but he didn't. He figured that there probably wasn't much that could really harm them and if their was they'd just deal with it like the pack always had in the past.

When they finally arrived on the beach DaVinci began to sort out the fishing nets, handing one over to Pendzez as he began to arrange the weights on his own net to where they would cast over the waters and sink to the bottom quickly. He rolled up the legs of his pants before he began to wade out into the chilly spring water. A grin on his maw as he began to see the fish milling about in their schools down below. "Come on Pendzez, if this doesn't work you can go back to your pole.." He really didn't care if they caught anything, he just wanted to see if the nets really worked. They would be nice to use in the shallows of the lakes, rivers, and streams as well if they worked well in the ocean.

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