There will be flower power
Oceane had grown to belief that what the adults said is how things should work. When they showed her how to plan the crops she assumed that there was no other way they could grow. She'd never had a chance to look at nature and realized that brambles and blackberry bushes just grew where they wanted to and basically took over whole acres of land with no thought that they were suppose to be organized. Because the adults had put forth the directions Oceane was going to faithfully follow them. The little girl would run off on a whim and cross the river when she knew she wasn't suppose to but when it came to learning the way of things she was solidly on the straight and narrow. She glanced over to Noir as she questioned her logic.

The little girl gave her sister a frown as she stated truthfully. Dawali says they grow this way.." Dawali had said it, end of story. There was no arguing with the great and powerful word of Dawali. Oceane nodded firmly as she began to dig another row of holes, waiting to see if Noir was going to give in and help her or not. She hadn't realized she was holding her breath until Noir actually agreed to help after the mention of the sunflowers. She knew now that she'd have to go to the land of the blazing suns to find the seeds now thatway her sister could spread more across the lands happily. "It's not so bad Noir.." she said as she finished up another set of holes and began to wander off to help collect the scattered pieces of corn.

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