There will be flower power
Oceane had never been a flower child, she'd never had the want to gaze off into the distance and dream of bumblebees and daisies. She'd just wanted to be a perfect little wolf in this perfect little world. She expected that soon they would begin their own little paths and she would learn just where the spirits wanted her to go. They were young though and still some things didn't make sense. Instead of question them like her sister she faithfully believed that what she was told was right and that there was no questioning any of it. That's why Oceane had been so steadfast in listening to the teachings of the elder packmates.

Her orbs gazed over at her sister as she silently agreed with Oceane. She nodded herself to confirm things in her mind as she smiled and went back to digging the little holes. She was concentrating so hard on what she was doing she didn't pay any attention to the fact that Noir was playing matchmaker with the seeds in hopes of new creatures further down the line. They had a lot of work ahead of them but if they worked hard and fast they could get done quickly and possibly go find a nice cool spot to lounge in.

When Noir granted Oceane a compliment the little girl frowned to herself and dug at a rock in the dirt before replying. "You're smart too Noir.. just about different things. I don't know much about flowers and butterflies.. and you know lots!" She had never really wanted to know anything about such things but she wasn't about to tell Noir that.

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