In healing my memory
The girl watched Vexx as he began to trot by her side. Flayra began to wonder if she was safe with this wolf. She heard that there were certain wolves that do... things with unsuspecting females. However, Flayra wasn't even one year old yet. She would be likely to be seriously hurt, even killed. She kept her eye on Vexx, just in case if he was that kind of wolf. "Yeah. There would be problems if I didn't." He kept her voice in a cautious manner for her uncertainty of this wolf.

Coming into what's left of dens and cabins of the former packland, the girl looked around the former land. It was a ruin of dirt and and wood. She wondered what forced it to disband. Maybe there was a shortage of members. She just didn't know. He continued on by Vexx's side, him saying that the place was up ahead. She remained close to him for protection.

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