Under Your [P]ower
Vukasin was on his feet before he was aware of having stood up. Laughing, he jumped from foot to foot. "Awesome! I haven't been swimming in days!" Excitedly, he hurried after the other male. His grin extended from ear to ear. I should have been born into a fissh family, he thought to himself in anticipation. And, perhaps he should have. He tended to be more graceful in the water, unlike some canines.

Fortunately, he'd just worn his denim shorts that day, so, he wouldn't have to worry about running around in wet pants for the several hours, as his cut-offs dried relatively quickly. With his head distracted by the thought of nice, cool water in his fur, he ended up half walking, half jogging in circles around Pendzez, whistling tunelessly to himself.

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