Down across the clouds

It may be a little long, it always looks like less before I put it in my table.

It had been a pleasant day. He hadn't had a fight in a good while, meaning that there were no new hurts bothering him, and though he had been back and his enemies knew he had returned, he had yet to be accosted by any of them. This surprised him, though the young man Gabriel--now alpha--had struck him as more stable than his mother, so perhaps it shouldn't have. Being away from the hate of the coyotes, from the carnage of war, from the politics of a pack, he felt a measure of freedom he had not felt since his days as a traveling warrior. He was just now coming back from a visit with his friend, the alpha of this all-too-familiar territory.

Suddenly he felt a familiar sensation, a hint of a smell, or a sound...he never knew what caused it. He felt a presence, but knew that the sense was too immaterial for it to be a wolf. His lone ear stood up immediately, scanning the area directly in front of him anyway. It had been the same as the day Fly had greeted him from the grave, though this person did not...smell? feel? the same. His amber eyes focused in front of him, where he began to make it out.

"Name yourself, spirit." His voice was firm, suspicious, though not yet hostile. A spirit was always out of place in the mortal plane, and even though he knew no technique or weapon that could possibly help him against one that meant him ill, he was ever on the defensive.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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