I wanna do bad things with you
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... bycdg1.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

S'all good with me Big Grin

Today he had ventured back into Dahlia de Mai at Cwmfen’s request. Walking into those lands always made him a tad uneasy, knowing that somewhere within the pack that brown brute was lurking. So far he had not run into the man again and he hoped that it stayed that way. He was good at hiding his weariness though. Onus did not want to cause problems between him and the woman he loved unnecessarily. While he would have been content to hunt the man down before, he refrained. It helped that things had become personal in that situation. He was no longer able to be completely objective towards Haku Soul and he knew there were many others in the land whom wanted the man’s head. He had defeated him once and was content with that for now.

Never before had the coyote been in an underground den. He had been born in a city and had always lived in one until now. Even here he chose the dead city to sleep in instead of a natural den. It was a peaceful place though, kept cool and comfortable. He sensed that it was special for her to allow him here, smelling only one other sent in the place besides her own, and that belonged to another female and was faded. Upon arriving he had undressed so his coat could not come between them. The man had wrapped his arms around her as they lay together. They were both creatures of silence, so they were content to be quiet and just take in the moment. A smile was on his maw as he gave the top of her head a light kiss.

Soon things quickly changed and it seemed that his concerns were coming down upon them. Subtlety his muscles tensed at the voice and his jaw clenched. The small smile was wiped from his face, replaced with its usual stony neutrality. He caught her gaze somewhat uneasily and watched as she slid back up to the surface. The hair along Onus’ spine rose and he grabbed his clothes, knowing how quickly things could turn to violence and not wanting to be naked before the brown bastard. Once he was dressed, he made his way outside as well. He moved silently to stand by Cwmfen’s side, his hidden eyes never leaving the half-shifted form of the wolf.


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