blood on the dance floor [p]

Hahah, that’s fine with me, ^=^ Cwmfen moves around a lot anyway. And sorry for the wait!

Having risen and having begun the customary runs of the land, warrior, unshifted, was carried silently through the ever thickening foliage of the forest about her. The bright, golden light sifted through the silent trees that stood tall in the coming morning, watching the inevitable turn of time. Slowly, the song of Night had ended, and the world took up the song of Day. The trees whispered softly in the quiet breeze as the birds fluttered through the leaves and limbs above. And the black fae that traveled as quietly as those whispered sounds reveled in that change, in that simple beauty of nature that ever could take her breath away. Like war and like battle, there was nothing quite so singularly beautiful. It was what made her solitude so beautiful and so preferable; even with that new emotion that fluttered in her heart, the woman was able to live that solitary life, indulging only when she was able and when he was able. Such a precious thing was not meant to last, she knew, and each meeting was made more precious because of it.

The woad bound ears pricked forward at a distant sound that broke through the silence. The silent, graceful movements of the black fae ceased, a movement so natural she seemed to meld into the world about her. And those sounds carried upon the air were not like the sounds of the forest, and she had recognized distinct words in that call. And so the woman changed her course, wondering who it was that had called through the woods. That voice had not been one that the woad warrior recognized, but it had been a young voice. So she wondered if it belonged to another of the de Sadiras. Already she had been acquainted with Palindrome, Avarice, Catharsis, and Catalyst, but she knew that there was another—a male, she thought. And though the voice had seemed feminine, the woman could not discard the possibility of the pup being that male. Her senses were not yet acutely trained to the behaviors of pups, but with the influx of the young creatures, the warrior was learning very quickly. While such a thing may not have been directly related to the arts of war and to the battles that she would fight, it was nonetheless a thing that must be known if she were to be within a pack that accommodated such young.

The pup that she found was not a de Sadira—she knew immediately by the simple scent; it carried neither the scent of the other de Sadira’s nor the familiar patterns that belonged to Cercelee and Slay. And the smell of the pup, while notable, did not deeply carry the particular scent of the pack. As the woman approached silently, greeting the pup directly from the front, she wondered if this pup had a direct relation with the one that was sought, Tokyo Chance. There was only slight wariness at this supposition, for thus far the conglomeration of families within this pack had not attributed to respectable events. Nonetheless, the woman hoped that this pup would hold as much promise as the de Sadiras. "You’re seeking Tokyo Chance?" the quiet melody inquired as if to confirm the distant words that had been heard. The Caledonian lilt was soft and gentle. "What... relation are you to her?" The warrior was merely curious, not demanding or upset. But she was curious as to this fact, for it may provide the insight that would explain why her packmate was sought.


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