I wanna do bad things with you


Tension flushed into the atmosphere as soon as his words left his lips. She was the first to appear from the darkness of the den, and he could smell the coyote all over her, the smell of passion, of sex. The scent seemed to overtake his senses, and a subtle hint of bile could be registered in his mouth. Was it a stab in the back? She had attempted to play him around like the idiot male he was, and he had danced after her flute like a monkey for it’s master. She had used him, and no one was allowed to do so without consequences. She had done it again, and now she was sleeping with a filthy scum, a masked crazy idiot that believed he was a super hero. Both of them, here, in Haku’s kingdom. His face was cold as ice as she sat down, wondering what was wrong. His command was simple, very easy to follow. Shut up.” She had to disappear, one way or the other. The male was to go first, he was a trespasser and a worthless piece of flesh.

After a few moments, the masked man rose out of the dark, and something seemed to snap inside the brown brute’s head. His body moved forward, and he could feel his jaws part, hungry for a living substance to fill the empty void. The hunger shot up and gnawed away on his guts, and he had to vanquish it quickly before the world burst into flames. He just wanted to see the man turn into a pile of unrecognizable matter. It was the man the blue eyes were locked on. Cwmfen would be dealt with in time. Sadly there was no plan how to solve and deal with this situation. There was a fire in him, and he could only react by attacking the source of it, the shit that had attacked him for no reason.


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