I wanna do bad things with you
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The black fae raised a brow at that single, uttered command. The warrior did not believe that he had any reason to command her in such a way. For a moment, the warrior considered the possibility that the male had simply held that tone with her because she was in the way of his current mood. And yet, the warrior somehow doubted that this were the case. Her white orbs, having flashed once in the face of his words, watched the blue eyes, the blue that should have held an innocence, a goodness, and yet held nothing. She saw that cold mask that was more aggressively, emptily fixated upon his being than was usual. And it was the darkness that had intrigued her, and it still did, though such intrigue burned with a lesser urgency as the presence of Onus was more keenly within her. And yet this darkness was not the same as it had been. The woman noted once more the difference that seemed to whirl behind that impassive male, and yet he seemed similar. A woad bound ear flickered backwards with irritation, but she was silent. There was nothing to be said, for she knew that he would not tell her if he had not already. The woman knew that much of Haku; he was not one to waste words if they were seen to be wasted.

Haku moved forward suddenly, his gaze locked upon something else. The woman did not flinch as he moved, unphased by those parted jaws that sought death. And she knew well the look of such hunger, for she felt it with every battle. The white eyes turned from the Lilium to the movement at her side. Her gaze washed over Onus’ form as he arose from her den, moving to her side. The tension between the males that moved through the air like the heat waves of deserts was not lost upon the woman. She was silent still as she considered the air between them, watching it for a moment as if she could see something that was not made physically manifest. It was immediately apparent that the two males were acquainted. Neither had informed her, and yet she did not expect that they would have found such information necessary. However, if Haku indeed had an issue with a creature entering the packlands, it should have been made known to her, just as it had with Leroy, Firefly, Svara, and any canine of Inferni. A quiet sigh was expelled from the woman as she turned back to Haku, remaining where she was, sitting beside the standing form of Onus.

Then the alto melody sang, those tones harder than what was customary. "He is not of Inferni," she stated openly, knowing that Haku knew this fact already, "And is a guest within these lands." She too had the power now to accept someone past the boarders, and Onus had crossed these boarders only once. The white orbs openly sought the gaze of the Lilium. She knew that she was not on Haku’s good side at the moment, and experienced such a thing for the first time. Where before Haku had trusted her, where he had been there for her and when she had offered her company to him, now those simple and yet profound things seemed to be nothing. Haku was dangerous to her now, but she was a Warrior. And she was a Dahlian and still loyal to him. "Perhaps you should explain to me, Haku, what it is that troubles you." Onus posed no threat and Haku should not be able to attack him. And as Adonis, was she not subject to such thoughts of the Lilium?


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