Down across the clouds

Phasma? The old gamma. He had only met her once, at the border of Storm, but she had fled before he could learn anything about her. She had taken issue with his return, he knew, even though ultimately he had turned Phoenix down, as much for his own reservations as for hers. The fact that he was seeing her now meant...

“Yes. I am alarmed, though, to see that you have died. I saw you not but a few months past. What has transpired?” He had no idea what to expect in answer. He had heard that she'd returned from her meeting with the Inferni coyotes, so they were unlikely to have killed her. As far as he knew, there were no existing pack wars, though the conflict that had taken her territory the first time had been over in a single day, so it was not impossible.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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