I wanna do bad things with you
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As soon as he emerged from the den he saw the wolf move for him. Instinctively he moved out of the way easily as the man seemed to gain some control over himself. It seemed their roles had been switched. Now Onus was the one in the calm state of mind and Haku was feral. While the coyote saw some advantage to this, he knew to tread carefully. With a crazed mind came a kind of strength that came with nothing else. When it had taken over him he had been relentless, bloodthirsty, willing to stop at nothing until the other man bled. He saw this same thing in the demon's blue orbs. Part of his mind told him to attack, technically the wolf had made the first move. Yet he restrained himself. This creature was Cwmfen's packmate and if Onus attacked him she would feel obligated to protect the man.

But maybe this all would work in his favor. Now she would see him for what he truly was. Some madman that had no qualms with snuffing out innocent lives and turning on those that had once put trust in him. So the vigilante would stand by and only speak when needed. He would defend himself and attack only if necessary. His gaze was locked on the halfling just as that man's was locked on him. Onus' face remained stoic. He did not fear this man. He had been hoping to avoid this situation, but now that it was here he would deal with it accordingly. She would have to see what he was. A loose cannon. A rabid beast willing to turn on anyone that got in his way, be it friend or foe. He had seen many of his ilk. While his body appeared relaxed, he was poised, ready to dodge out of the way at the first sign of another attack.


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