Its been a while
It had long he had seen his sister? Four months? Seven? Ty didn't remember, he didn't exactly keep track of the passing of time as much as he should, he figured as soon as he started doing something that required timekeeping, he'd learn. However, he knew it had been a very large span of time that he hadn't even spoken a word to his sister, he didn't know much about what was going on with her life, not since she ran off...with who he didn't remember, but he'd heard some things...bad things...about how that came to be. Nevertheless, he knew she was here, Jefferson had said so, he just had to find her in the territory. His best bet was to use his nose in his opinion, although tracking wasn't his biggest forte, he knew he could track his sister's scent when in close enough proximity.

And now he could smell it, it was faint, but there, he knew she was close.

Following the aroma of his kin, he eventually found the silhouette in front of the sunset, the orange fireball emitting a glow that hit the figure sitting in front of him that he knew was his sisters. whether he recognized the fur color, saw the glint in her eye, or still emitted her smell was unknown, all he know is that it was her. He was nervous, he hadn't seen her sister in a while, did she even want to talk to him? Even though they were close, she could have changed dramatically when she went off on her own. But that would be her loss, he came up here to talk her her, and that's what he was going to do, no matter what.

After taking a few more cautionary steps closer to his sister from behind, he took a deep, silent breath of calming in before he spoke out to his kin, having no hesitation when he finally spoke.

"Sky...." He said firmly, his body relaxed but composed as he made more steps to approach her. "'s good to see you."

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