Down across the clouds

He nodded at her words. She would have known if she'd been murdered. No teeth were subtle enough to kill quietly through slumber. Not that he would necessarily have leapt into action if it had been such...she certainly would not have expected it of him, and he had paid badly enough for acting on his morals before. Still...the idea of it being her time made him uneasy. She was no older than he was. Just another reminder that life was short; one would live as best they could, and then there would come an ending.

"You wouldn't be the first who was leery of me," he said, flicking an ear and dismissing the subject of her relations with him personally. His re-entry had been Phoenix's idea anyway, her qualms had not dashed any great hopes of his. "As for a favor, it will depend on what you ask of me, wolfess." Calling her wolfess wasn't exactly accurate, but it seemed insensitive to refer to her as a specter. He would be fully willing to protect his friends in Storm, particularly its alpha who had won his friendship and respect over time, as well as that alpha's children. That would always be true.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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