just below the radar

WC: 315

She caught her breath as he slipped her another sly compliment, choosing a stealthier route this time.
"I... h-hardly think it matters what a flower thinks, friend Sankor," she replied, a faint smile ghosting on her muzzle. She was beginning to trust him, to not get so flustered at every word that left his lips. There was hope for her yet. "But you know, with all the tending in the world, a weed can never be a wildflower." That felt more like the right metaphor; surrounded by Dahlias, she was a lowly dandelion. It was okay to be invisible, as long as she stayed out of their sight. Would he get frustrated with her, because she would not agree with his viewpoint? If he had spoken to as many others as he claimed, he must have gleaned that not all wolves were created as equals...

She let her expressive eyes flutter shut as he hummed a tune, the melody emanating from his mahogany throat. She did not really know any songs, but the music attracted her, in a soothing sort of way. As he let the song fade, he spoke again, making her quickly open her eyes again, taking in her surroundings.
"A... fear? Y-you're afraid of something? I don't believe you," she chirped, ducking her head. She hoped her impudence would not upset him, although he did not seem the fearful type. That was more her specialty.

"W-well," she began, a slight pout forming on her lips as she realized she couldn't outright deny his claim, "I was outside, was I not?" It was perhaps the weakest argument she had mustered up so far, but she didn't want to back down, not to this perfect, confident guy. Her cream-tipped tail swished behind her, betraying her anxiety. She could pretend to be a stronger person! She would just never feel that way on the inside...


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