blood on the dance floor [p]


The pup seemed to be wary of her immediately. Catalyst had exhibited a similar response when she had first met the young girl, but this pup seemed to retain that sense of caution. From a quick glance, the warrior was able to deduce that this pup was several months older than Catalyst. However, the she wolf, because she had never been around pups even in her own childhood, had not yet been able to deduce the maturity levels of pups at certain ages. And so the woman remained silent and still—perhaps if she moved closer, the pup would become unnerved. The warrior was a solitary creature, and she did not wish to invoke such a response—it was not something that she was accustom to nor something that she could handle. But in the brief silence, she thought that the pup had recognizable features. Perhaps this pup did indeed belong to another member of the pack. The woad tipped tail waved once behind her in an amiable fashion.

When the pup spoke, she spoke quickly and at length without breath—many of the pups had such tendancies, the Adonis thought fondly. The woad bound ears pricked forward. Princess. The woman liked to consider the names of the pups, especially because they were so young and so inexperienced that much influence was still effective upon them. But she did not know what to think of this name—would she be a good leader, or would she be an arrogant girl? And the warrior hoped that it would be the former. Alexey must have been the wolf that had admitted her. "Don’t worry," the golden melody soothed gently. "We’ll find her." And then she was silent. The pup had fallen silent as well, and the woman’s white orbs considered her once more. So Princess was Tokyo’s daughter? The Adonis became wary in turn, but not toward the pup specifically. The black fae simply hoped that trouble would not arise as it had with the other families that had conglomerated within Dahlia’s boarders.

A soft smile graced the warrior’s maw in response to the pup. "I’m Cwmfen nic Graine, Adonis and Warrior of this pack. It’s a pleasure, Princess," the soft alto greeted formally and bowed her maw briefly in greeting. The black fae was always respectful of the members, even the pups. "I do know your mother," the black fae confirmed. There was a slight pause before she spoke again, the white orbs wandering into the distant packlands. "I was the one who admitted her into the pack, but I have seen very little of her lately," she admitted openly. "I have caught her scent," the melodic voice continued. "She seems to travel frequently within these boarders." This, of course, meant that it could be difficult to locate the woman in question, especially if she was not upon the lands at the moment. The white orbs returned to the pup, meeting her gaze easily. Cwmfen hoped, however, that the pup would not be too disappointed.


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