Myself, My Keeper
before you tell yourself

it's just a different scene

She had been sick for a while, that much was true, and she was a little rusty at talking to people now. Dierdre attemped what she thought to be a very encouraging smile...but she could never be sure. Maybe Selene would think she was daft. She had some experience with very young pups, like her siblings, but she didn't know what to do around an adolescent. It was more in her nature to treat an adolescent like an adult, especially one that was away from her parents. Dierdre had gone without her mother and father for a while in her puppyhood, and knew how tough that could be, emotionally.

"Maybe I know him? Or knew him? Did he live in Storm?"That must have been why Selene had joined Storm, to hear news about her father. Storm was the best pack for young ones to join; there was a huge tribe of pups already, and one more would just add more to their growing family.


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