I wanna do bad things with you


The chocolate and cream man hesitated, slowly realizing what he was about to do. Cwmfen had turned her back on him, but this was still Dahlia and she was the Adonis, serving together with him under the ivory Rosea. He let his lips conceal the threatening fangs rather quickly, but it took longer for his gaze to stray from the masked creature that was an open threat. Haku’s hackles did not sink into the calm like his face did. His intensely blue orbs slowly moved to meet the moonlit orbs of the female that once had held such potential in his mind. So he was a guest within these lands, was he now? She suggested an explanation, and his orbs moved to the other in a slightly weary manner, realizing that the man that seemed so close to the black woman apparently had forgotten to mention that he was acquainted with one of the individuals that rules this pack. How odd.

”Seems your lover have forgotten to fill you in with some details.” the cocoa male said dryly. Of course, Mr. Retaliation was present too, and it would be impolite to speak as if he was not there. The terrible blue stayed on the masked man, piercing through the cloth to gaze upon the magnificent black that he knew was there. ”I always wondered exactly why you repaid my hospitality with hostility.” The Lilium let his voice articulate the two opposites very clearly. Truth be told, he had actually wondered about that. ”Oh, and I never quite caught your real name..?” Retaliation could hardly be his proper name, and Haku would prefer being able to offer the coyote’s proper name when he was to find someone to expose of the coyote in the future. Haku’s ears were folded backwards, the tension in his body obvious, suggesting that the man posed a threat, no matter what the Adonis suggested.


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