I wanna do bad things with you
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The tension in the air was palpable. While he was not acting as the aggressor this time, he knew that a far share of that tension was coming from him. He did not like this man. He did not like him at all. Not only was he a madman and a criminal, but he had had the audacity to remove his cloth while they had battled. A rare lapse in the coyote's self control had happened then, but it was a reasonable one. Haku Soul had crossed the line with him. Once that line was crossed, there was no going back. Onus was not the kind to change his opinion about someone once they were on his wrong side. The only time his gaze left the brown brute was when that raven cawed and perched itself in a nearby tree. The man did not care for that one-eyed bird. Something wasn't quite right about it. It reminded him of Corvus too much.

Haku went on to question why Onus had attacked him that day. Was the man that daft? The vigilante had had adequate reason to attack the slime and he knew there were more reasons than the ones he knew. This man was a serial criminal. He had done bad things much and he had done them often. The coyote had no questions in his mind about that. But it seemed that Onus had not been the only one to not tell Cwmfen of their previous encounter. He turned his attention back to the wolf. "I attacked you because you are a criminal. You raped one woman and then murdered an innocent mother and her child and desecrated their bodies. No doubt you've done other such atrocities." In the first instance if he had just killed the woman Onus wouldn't have taken issue. Avenging the deaths of his sister's children was one thing. A life for a life. But rape was something entirely different. There was never an excuse for that crime. He ignored the question about his name. He did not give his name to the likes of Haku Soul unless there was a purpose in it, and there was none here.

His eyes glance back to Cwmfen for a moment, then back to the brown man. What he was about to say was more for her benefit than his, but he would say it in front of this creature nonetheless. "My intentions of coming here had nothing to do with you and everything to do with Cwmfen." Onus never lied and even if Haku did not believe him he knew that she would. The two times he had stepped across those borders a thought of hunting down the man and attacking him had not crossed his mind. That would have been a betrayal of the trust that she instilled in him and he would not do that.


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