Its been a while
OOC: I still knew it was you, no biggie. Tongue

"Ah...Rex is your mate huh?" He said with a nod. "I see...I'd certainly like to meet him someday." He didn't seem too shaken up, worried, or even bother about Rex, which could be considered strange. Ty didn't worry all that much anyway, he was pretty laid back in most situations, and nodded to what his sisters said, not batting an eye or looking in shock. Then she started to explain that she was a pirate and how rape and murder was their thing, and he had a rather discontent look on his face. However, it wasn't devastated like most people would expect, more like he'd just been slightly inconvenienced somehow.

Ty wasn't all that quick on the response as he usually was, he was giving himself time to mull over everything she had said, but still giving out that slightly upset but not shocked look. "I can't say this is what I expected from you..." He said with a small sigh. "But...I'm not one to judge, you made your choice to be a pirate." He then chuckled lightly. "but let me say now that you've told me, I'm really glad we haven't seen each other until now."

Before she had time to really question why he would say something so insulting he chimed in again. "Let me explain, first off, you don't really have to explain what color blood is to me, I know what it looks like. After traveling with the merchant ship for a while, we found a wolf colony that we really liked trading with. In exchange for our goods, they taught to fight." He sighed, knowing she'd probably be curious to why a merchant ship needed to learn how to fight. "You see...the Captain of our ship had been a victim in three different pirate attacks, each one leaving him desolated and poor, and when he became captain of his own vessel, he didn't want it to be overtaken by pirates like yourself. So even before I joined the crew, he'd been searching for a trading partner who were much more warlike, someone who could teach his crew how to take out pirate invaders, and we found this wolf colony who at first seemed like a rather peaceful pack, but we learned later that they had had overcome marauders and bandits by creating tactics and skills to fight them, and were more then glad to teach us their abilities in exchange for goods. And they taught us good, we became one of the safest merchant ships on the ocean!"

He paused in his story to see her reaction, he didn't really want to talk about the next part, mainly because of what her sister said, but he continued "We...killed a lot of pirate attackers when they tried to board us...I've seen the color blood, I've had it soak my's never pretty...I've watched the life leave a pirate's eyes..." He sighed as he remembered the conflicts and skirmishes he had at sea, the loud sounds of fighting on deck, it sent a shiver down his spine. he nevertheless, continued his story with a small shrug. "To cut things short...I got tired of killing to conduct business...the pay was good and the guys were friendly, but I grew tired of killing for defense, and I couldn't really eat the kills either, that would just make me a I stopped being a merchant sailor and became more of just a traveler, I've done a bit of exploring on my own, living off the land, when I realized I could just attempt to come back here...and now here I am."

He sighed as he looked at his sister for a reaction, smiling lightly after telling her the whole story.

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