Come... Listen
Flayra looked at Maldrid as he looked up Flayra, thanking her for her compliment about the song. The song was indeed beautiful. She liked it. It helped her imagine her own alternative world that resided only in her mind. The song would be the theme for it and Maldrid would be the music man. "So you were alone mostly with your instruments? And you taught yourself to play them? To make sounds so beautiful?"

The girl sat down on the wooden floor as the male began another song on his recorder that was around his neck. Placed her elbows on her crossed legs, putting head on her palms as she gave a little smile as she listened to the song. She closed her eyes and imagined of what the song would have meant. In her mind, she was wondering on a path with a long wooden staff and a travel bag, going somewhere. Coming over a hill, she saw that place she was heading for. She approached this place with great anticipation, being greeted by those who were there, shaking hands with them. She left her mind, opening her eyes to look upon the male as he continued his song.

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