prayers that need no AnsWer now

She hoped the night would wear on and she would be met with nothing. But then something else spoke, an anger and frustration had been building and Anu sought to release it. In the past she had found a strangers arms to fall into, but this night was far different and she felt a far different need. Instead Anu guarded her home with a lowered head, nose to the ground and working as she tried to focus a troubled mind. Her thoughts fell to the broken look of Mati, the arms that would be forever scared and the soul that had been so closely tainted. That notion was what Anu lingered on, and her anger grew as if fueled with kerosene.

Paws tread heavily, picking dust up from the ground and sending it to her keen nose. A wolf, female, foreign. The clues lead her to a scent that Anu recognized. A quiver shook her lip, and her felt the growing tremble of a growl in her chest. This was not want she wanted, and as the voice rose in her ears, shaken with disbelief, shock written on the pale gray face Anu looked on in silence. Geneva stood before her, then scent of her pack deep in her fur, as was Crimson Dreams deep in her own. Anu focused on the difference, and remembered their last meeting. White teeth glowed in the darkness, and a voice came from the beast. You should not be here. It was both a warning, and a threat. There was no reason for the stranger to be passing through their gate tonight, and no reason for Anu to allow it.

this was made by Jame, <333

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