Its been a while
Ty was surprised at her remark about her mate making sure they all died. "Hoo boy, you'd be in for surprise if that's the mindset your pirates came in with." He shrugged. "And it'd be more trouble then it's worth, we weren't known for leaving survivors. And if you had killed us all, a sizeable chunk of your crew would be gone, making it nearly impossible to return to land." He sighed, that's the way they'd all come at him, the intent to kill and maim for their goods, the same want they always had, and each one had paid the price. shaking his head at her last remark, he chuckled lightly. "We WERE on opposite sides." Ty said with a small grin. "Key word there. We aren't enemies anymore, that life is behind me, now I'm a wolf, I've just been that way fro a while now, plus a few grunt-work things on the side, but nothing like the merchant jobs. As far as I'm concerned, I'm not a merchant, so you're no longer my enemy. I hope that's the way with Rex as well."

He looked up at the darkened sky, the sun had set now. Apparently his sister had gone and taken the path of theivery rather then the honest work he did. While he was rather saddened by his sister's choice in life, he preferred to just put it behind him. What mattered is that he knew that she was fine, and he was happy with that. He wasn't upset with his sister, on the contrary, he loved her, and was more then happy to see her. "So....what now? Now that we are both part of the pack again...where do we go from here?" He said as he turned to her. "I say we simply forget the past and contribute to the pack as best as we can huh?"

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