blood on the dance floor [p]
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ooc -

Do you mind terribly if I pull Princess out, and perhaps we could have another thread some other time? ^^; If you'd rather continue, just shoot me a PM and I'll edit the ending a bit. 331 words.

ic -

Cmwfen had not been as helpful as Princess had originally wished for, but at least Princess knew for sure that her mother was a member of Dahlia de Mai, and she even had a starting point to look for Tokyo. The older female seemed apologetic, but it simply wasn’t in the pup’s nature to try and convince her that she had been helpful, even if she thought the woman had been. Itching to begin her search, Princess couldn’t help but fidget a little as the black female talked about the puppy eating monster - whatever his name was, as the Adonis had not yet told her who to watch out for - and the other puppies in the pack. Conor, Emwe, and Avarice. . . All names to remember for when she began looking for Buttface again, once she found her mother in this vast land of however many individuals. It could take forever.

Taking her eyes off of the adult, Princess looked around them, trying to decide which direction to take. She didn’t know where the shore was, but she was growing tired of sitting and talking, so she didn’t plan to ask which direction she should head. What she really wanted to do was barrel past the female in front of her and demand that anyone she comes across lead her to Tokyo. What she was going to do was continue searching impatiently, and she knew she would grow annoyed quickly if she didn’t find her. . . So she had to get a move on it. “Thanks again, Cmwfen, for helping me. Stuff ‘bout my mom, and for warning me about. . . What’s-his-name, the puppy eater, I guess. But I’m going to go now. I wanna look for her some more. I’ll start at the shore. Thanks!” Princess stood up, offering the female a quick smile before she turned and trotted away, moving her small body at a pace just a tad too fast for her body.


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