you wore them down
apologizes for the wait ):

She could tell her plan was working, the child was melting in her hands. It brought a smirk to her face, one she morphed into a smile for the girl. Sabeen would work to poison the girl's mind against her home, and if it didn't work, it didn't. She was confident, though: she had one thing Cercelee and the husky didn't. She could speak the child's native tongue. As the child opened up, Sabeen lowered herself to the ground completely, sitting as a sphinx would. "That's very sad. I believe German is purer than English, sometimes." She felt a twinge of sympathy for the child, but chased it away. Even though the little spark was growing on her slightly, she couldn't allow for an emotional investment in anything.

Her head snapped up at the description of the 'mean' female. Fire hair and very colorful? Well, surely it couldn't have been- why would she be skulking around the borders? "Tell me-- did this woman have very green eyes?" She asked, her voice taking on an urgent note. Although she harbored no love for Svara or Leroy, she could easily forget them. But the bitch Firefly-- she hated her. She would have thought her above picking on little German girls but apparently not. She focused in on the girl as she introduced herself as Catalyst. Sabeen smiled again. How fitting. And indeed Cercelee was their caretaker. Her expression became graver then as the child asked how she knew the white woman. "I hope she treats you well, better than she treated me." She allowed her voice to trail off, as if she were concealing a dark secret about the woman. Last time she had allowed her fictitious story to fall from her lips lightly, but this time, the child would have to press for it. And Sabeen felt sure she would.


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