sweet little Words of Therapy

At his words Anu could only laugh. He was too young to know, his heart must be too fresh and unscathed to understand the pain that came with experience. Age had much to do about it, but she could ignore the fact if he could. It was obvious that she was the senior of the pair, but she liked that he made her feel just as young as he was. But she didn’t let him win so easily. Ill be the judge of that She spoke with a fake smugness and a real smile. Trailing him away from the vineyard and towards the woods Anu began to wonder what sort of place could be hidden among his homeland. Her immense curiosity spiked, and she eagerly followed.

Looking back at her Anu saw the excitement in his gaze, and his words matched the look in his face. She could have told him no, because he was right. There wasn’t much that could take the breath from her chest, and if he wanted to truly know Anu would tell him that all those that did wore feminine names. She smiled softly at the thought, though she felt pain as well. It always hurt to look back at a few of them, not every one held a happy ending.

The world was revealed to her bright baby-blues as the forest parted. Its light green leaves were like a curtain that held a secret behind its veil. Anu stepped beyond the tree line, eyes lifting to find the place he had promised her. Anu felt it in her chest, the tight grasp of surprise and awe. It took a moment for her to breathe in the scent of the open space, she had to catch the lost lungful of air before she could speak. Sankor, its beautiful. she spoke in a voice that was barely a whisper. The waterfall fell before them, into a pool that looked far to calm for the rush of water that poured into it. The sound danced to her ears like hush, pleading for silence that would accent its beauty. It told her there were no words that could describe it, even though she had tried.


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