gone fishing
Xeris was glad to be accepted into the little fishing party, and she grinned as she returned to searching the water for the glimmer of scales. "It's nice to meet you, Ty and Rendall," she said. She smiled at Ty's successful catch; at least one of them was having some good luck with the fish. When Rendall seemingly chased a fish out of the stream and back into the stream again, Xeris couldn't help but giggle, despite that fact that she knew she wouldn't have any more luck catching that fish than Rendall did. Xeris was enjoying herself greatly here in the water with her new friends.

Then, she heard some footsteps rustle the grass nearby. Turning, she spotted a familiar face and smiled. "Hi, Pendzez!" It hadn't been too long since she last saw Pendzez and she saw him as a good friend. "Seems like today is a popular day for fishing, huh?" She suddenly felt something brush against her paw. Looking down, she saw a large fish swimming below her. It was heading toward Rendall. "Hey Rendall, there's your chance! Grab that fish!"

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