gone fishing
Xeris raised her head from the water with a splash, having finally secured a fish in her teeth. She added it to the pile of other fish. "Ooh, cooked fish, that sounds lovely." She looked around at the others and smiled. "Hopefully there'll be enough for everyone!" Xeris walked towards Rendall, and after shaking the water from her fur, transformed into her optime form as well. Her body shuddered a little as she felt her limbs lengthening and her spine straightening. When she was finally transformed, she looked over at Rendall.

"A fire, you say? I'll go find some wood so that we can make one." She brushed a lock of hair from her face and then turned to the nearby wooded area. "I'll be back in a few minutes. I think I'm better at wood-gathering than fishing." She then proceeded to walk between the trees, looking for fallen branches or thick live branches that she could break off. She still felt a little odd in her optime form; she still felt it odd to walk on two paws instead of four. Nevertheless, she was grateful for the dexterity and ability that this form provided, and continued to gather sticks and branches for the fire.

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