From The Ground Up



His red eyes watched Jac, sure the man was getting on his nerves by being so damn nosy, though this was a odd opening to vent the build of emotions.The male let the though boil as his listened to the man.lucky me.. If he was another selfish man the this was going to be a weird ass group of dogs,though he understood what Jac said Leroy merely listened wit his ears turning here and there."Just strange when you try really hard to put your efforts for others, no it is natural but strange for us. Wolves live in packs, it is natural. " Leroy was still annoyed by the underlined topic, he didn't want to speak but yet he does. Red eyes moved as the large husky man remain seated, looking at the tools that just seem to be another was. All the attempts at anything for her happiness was a waste, and in the end she showed him that she wanted Haku and him. No matter what she says Svara would always remain the first to walk away in his eyes. The thought made his hair rise on his neck before he spoke again.

"No, it does not bring it." Leroy remained silent when the spoke of vows, though in reality he wanted to shout that the man to mind his own. His deep was blunt and simple. [b]"Not on my own accord. I do not even recall the event but since Svara was so intense about it what else is there to say? I was drugged and she wouldn't care that I even attacked that woman, should have ripped her throat out." A growl emitted when he spoke of Sabeen, but he finished speaking. "I feel my guilt for the fact she went to him after because of that, she believed she loved him over me and my efforts to please her. I'm not sure if it hurts or if it's sleeping anger." Leroy stopped talking then as he rose to his feet and walked back to the axe, picking it up he has said as much as he will on that topic. Sizing up a tree it was time to get started.
table by Syd


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