MY next char, and I want your opinion
About the bear fighting: I know it's unlikely, but it's different from impossible. I know because it already happened to me (not with so much cracks or with my face DX). A glass plate broke in the sink, thanks to my bird's scream, I was got in short and, startled, the plate slipped from my soappy hands and broke, and a crack fell in my leg. Thanks God, it was only one piece and not that big, and gravity hadn't got time to make the crack hit to hard in my leg. It just made a cut.
I only thought: he was lyed in the ground, after hitting the balconer. The bottles break in the balconer (the plate in the sink) and the cracks fell in his face. Well, the face's skin is probably as thin as the leg's. Gravity do her stuff and made the cracks goes faster and harder in his face, making more than just a cut.

Anout the gun: I searched (finally I've got time!) and I found this:
"Usually exploding guns is a result of some idiot intentionally overcharging a home-made round for the hell of it.. Though some guns can just explode from using poor metals which have/develop cracks... They tend to get pulled out of production fast.
Converting a semi-auto into a fully-auto alone should not make a gun explode if done properly.. But since it's firing more rounds, it's needless to say that it will break down faster, and THAT could theoretically aid in an already crappy gun exploding.."
"You "hear a lot about" it because it's unusual, therefor it's news. ("300 million guns didn't blow up today" isn't news. It happens every day.)
I've spent a lot of time at shooting ranges over the last 20 years and I've never seen a gun blow up. I have seen blown up guns."
"a gun that is in very poor condition would explode, probably with a barrel obstruction after shooting a squib load
case has too much gap in chamber resulting in the case breaking or exploding
cartridge case is too thin or weak/inferior for the caliber, they could explode or rupture. "

Well, it seems that the possibilities of a gun exploding is minimum, and most probable if it's a converted gun -which is not the case, he's only changing pieces for equal ones- or if the gun is made with poor metals -which I think wouldn't be the case, again-.
I think that the gun he'd find is one with a few rusty pieces that need to be exchanged. He looks after pieces that looks the closest with the rusty ones. No biggy(I guess).

EDIT: I searched a bit more and -how knew?- I've found this:
"The Glock 17 is probably the most tested and "beaten on" pistol out there. It has legendary stamina under the most adverse conditions and with the worst ammunition. Police forces around the world have adopted it. It remains the gold standard for polymer framed pistols around the world."
So, it's even less probable for it to fail that badly, to the point of it killing him.

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