one is the loneliest number
Sankor couldn't help but grin at the other for a moment as he spoke up. He shook his head and sighed slightly as he admitted. "I'll figure it out in time. It's kindof sad when the one wolf everyone is suppose to turn to with their problems can't even solve his own though." he chuckled at the thought before turning to watch his newest friend trying to find that one annoying itch that seemed to have been avoiding being scratched. He did enjoy the idea of having a few males to just hang out about with, it seemed he spent much of his time teasing and talking with the girls.. not that he didn't mind that, but a few good days of joking and horsing around was always great to loosen up one's mind and soul.

He tried not to think about his own flighty feelings for Cercelee as Slay spoke up, his ears flicked back slightly as he listened to the other, wondering just how the ladies always seemed to escape him, but as well he knew that it was his fault everytime. He could woe them with words and phrases but he never knew how to follow through and actually bring to light his own feelings. He knew he'd have to learn to work on that but he just didn't see it happening, there were somethings he just couldn't get past. Someone would probably have to shove him through the door to get him to admit anything. Maybe that was what he needed, someone else to fall for him instead of him always doing the falling.. in his dreams.

Sankor began grooming his chest to hide the brooding that his mind had begun to do for a moment, taking in the words of his piebald friend as the mechanical strokes of his tongue against his chest seemed to kickstart his mind again. He paused in the middle of his work as he shook his head and turned to look at Slay. "Who knows.. maybe I just need to give it more time to season.." Though he knew if he gave it too much time every beautiful girl would disappear and he'd be left alone, right where he began.

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