Change is hard, I should know
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Mine will be a little short as well—I’ve never played a puppy before, ^=^;; Excuse the crappy puppy talk... Just pretend that it’s good, haha >__>

The little pup stood at the mansion door, her joints locked as those dual eyes, one blue and one green, looked out at the strange bright place. Her stubby little tail wagged lightly but fanatically behind her. She was brimming with excitement that was as bright as the sun of these outdoors. She had been here before with mamma, but she was somewhere else today. And of course her curiosity simply pulled in all directions. The cream pup was a little apprehensive as she stood there, conflicted by her excitement and by a wariness. Last time she had wandered far from mamma, something big had pounced on her—it wasn’t very nice at all. But... it wouldn’t hurt to go outside if she stayed within sight of the mansion. And besides, Amata could smell her sister nearby. And sisters should be together. With that in mind, the small puppy bounded away, her steps still slightly awkward with youth.

There she was! The darker form of her sister was nestled in the grass. With those small ears perked forward, the puppy trotted with that bouncy gait. "Cambi!" the tiny voice exclaimed, unable to pronounce that difficult name. "I founds yew!" She smiled happily as she pounced on her sister with a soft squeak, surely interrupting that sun induced nap. "Whatcha doin’ ou’ he-ah?" With her paws draped over the chocolate pup’s back, her tail wagged happily. It was a good think that she had found her. Now no one would be lost because everyone was together. The small black nose was pushed into the other’s fur before she nipped playfully at Cambria’s ear, practically forgetting the question that had been asked. It was fun to play and the sun was warm. Absently, with a bright curiosity, the girl watched a passing butterfly. They were so pretty.


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