Change is hard, I should know
The puppy talk is great! ^^

Her dark fur absorbed the sunlight, making her feel like she was cuddled up next to her parents. In fact that's the very image that came to mind as her eyes closed and her mind was drifting off. She imagined her mother, so beautiful and strong. Her father, so handsome and kind. She loved her parents. The girl wouldn't change a single thing about either of them. But then the images changed and she was outside again. But it wasn't the same as she had seen before her eyes had closed. The air was filled with butterflies! They were everywhere she looked and they landed lightly on her nose and ears and she giggled happily. She loved butterflies. They were her most favorite thing.

The pup thought she heard someone call her name, but it wasn't very loud. Though it quickly became real as she felt something pounce on her. Ocean colored eyes flew open, panicked and she yelped. What was going on? Was she being attacked? How could that be?! She was just outside home and that was safe! But then her sister's voice hit her ears and her tiny body relaxed. "Amatas! You scawed mes!" Her bottom lip stuck out as she turned to look at her creamy sibling. "I dunnos. I was jus' watchin' da birdies an' stuffs." Cambria liked to play too, but she also liked to just relax and watch things. Sharp little teeth nipped at her ear and she squirmed under her sister's weight. She managed to roll onto her back and pushed at her with her front paws. Then she caught sight of the same butterfly and was instantly distracted. "I loves butterfwies."


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